In 2009, we were given the opportunity to
participate in the Williamsburg "Trip of a
Lifetime."  Each year, we have been able
to take around 12 of our 8th grade
students to Williamsburg in early
December.  To qualify, the students
compete in an essay contest and our
evaluated by their teachers.  The essay is
written during the first few weeks of
school.  Information will  be sent home the
first week of school.  Students are already
aware of the trip, we spoke with them in
May of last year.  This is a great
opportunity for our students.

If selected, students will participate in
weekly training to prepare for the trip.  
They will also spend a day at Five Mile
Camp, near Joplin.  They will receive a
digital camera, two sweat shirts and a
really nice winter coat.  Transportation,
food and lodging are all provided, it cost
the students... nothing!
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